Funky Little Energy!

Funky Little Energy(FLE)!

In my book Whatz in Your Womb?, I talk about the energy that floats around us and sometimes we pick up on it. For example, you wake up feeling great, then you go to work and someone around you has this negative vibe and you are determined not to let this wreck your flow. However, with no warning, it starts to spread and the next thing you know, it’s on you! That’s the funky stuff I’m talking about.

Well, even though I wrote the book, I’m not immune to it—just aware of it. I’ve been trying my best to hibernate this winter but I keep getting caught up in some funky little energy (FLE). This little stuff is really sneaky, yall. But it’s not too hard to get drawn into it because it is everywhere and I’m sure your life is just as complicated and exciting as mine, so you have plenty to choose from.

If you have read the book and have been following the blogs, you would know that the characters and situations that I’ve discussed in Whatz in Your Womb have come alive! I’m not trying to give away what’s in the book, but I got some real drama now! Every time these situations come up, I really gotta check myself and decide how to respond or react. If I use my own recommendation from the book, I would put “Ma’at’s Law of Irrelevance” to use and go back to hibernating. Of course, that is easier said than done. But I’ll tell you how I’ve just recently had to move through some tough real life issues that had me trippin off of some FLEs. I wouldn’t be Ma’at if I told yall that when some baby mama drama came my way, I just chanted went into my inner self and sent spiritual flowers to baby mama. I wouldn’t be Ma’at if I told yall that when some baby daddy drama came up that I went into higher self, maintained my vibration and didn’t want to drag out all of dude’s dirty laundry. I didn’t do any of this at first because I was heated and if you know me you would know I ain’t no easy win. I can definitely go there and I wanted to…badly. My ego is twitching right now just writing about it! I wanted to get off on some Maury, Jerry Springer stuff. Shoo, I’m from the Souf Side of Chicago, I can do ghetto! But instead I decided to process it first. I let my ego do what it do. I let it run through all of the catty, vengeful reactions it could create and then I asked myself one question: “what do I want to get from this?” Well one of my answers was, “I want to shut so and so down”. But does that really ever happen? Did so and so shut me down by what they said? Naw! It’s just transference of Funky Little Energy(FLE) back and forth and it goes nowhere. Plus none of this back and forth fits into the pyramid structure of “Ma’at’s Law of Irrelevance” so I don’t need to be feeding it energy—it’s a FLE. Ultimately what I want is peace and to keep hibernating for the winter so instead of shutting folks down, I chose a solution to keep my own peace and to redirect my energy to the things that fit into my pyramid—all that other stuff is irrelevant.

Check the book out to find out more about “Ma’at’s Law of Irrelevance” and my explorations of the energy that’s in my womb. If you already have the book, hopefully this expands your experience with the tools. Please feel free to drop some knowledge of your experiences as well. Htp!
