Whatz Your Womb Thinking?

Whatz Your Womb Thinking?

Transcendental Timeout - Part Two

About 7 years ago, I put myself on a timeout.  I called it a transcendental timeout because I was going through a major spiritual shift.  If you have been rolling with me since then, or you have the book, Whatz In Your Womb, you will remember the blog and chapter, I wrote called "the Transcendental Timeout".  It basically laid out what happens to us when we shift in frequency and seem to be unable to accomplish things the same way we did before.  I gave some signs to look out for and things to do and contemplate while on the timeout.  

Well, can I tell you that I went on another timeout and this one was the mother of them all, but completely awesome, all at the same time?  I won't go in the details here because you will find out when you check out my upcoming book:  Whatz Your Womb Thinking?   What I can tell you is, it entails a miscarriage(yes, another one), a c-section (yes, another one), a new husband (yes, another one), going broke, questioning my spiritual path and beliefs, and losing my "power" and status.  However, the awesomeness of it was the discovery of some old FLE(funky little energy) that has been ruling my womb for two decades, the introduction to the inner workings of the body, brain, personality, and soul, introduction to the brain of the womb and her various functions, understanding power versus light, being an analyzer versus a god, and the "real" activation of the god genes through brain balancing.  I know...WTF? This is some next level stuff here and it ain't just about the womb. Anyway, look for the book in late 2015.  While you are waiting, if you haven't already, scoop a copy of Whatz In Your Womb to get you prepared for Whatz Your Womb Thinking.  Make sure you sign up on the email list and keep checking the blog, I will be giving more sneak peeks into the book throughout the next few months.

For a limited time, we are running a special for $7.99 plus taxes & shipping for a signed copy.  Quantities are limited so don't wait.  For quantities over 10, give us a holla for bulk pricing.  

See you on the next blog...
