Psychic Condom

The Psychic Condom

I know, I know…you want to keep Craig and ‘nem out of your womb but it is difficult when you have urges and needs to fulfill.  It is probably easier for mature sistas who have already had their share of disappointments and womb trauma but what about us youngins who are just starting to get our groove on and it feels too good to give up?

I have been asked this very question in one form or another.  So here is where I stand.  No doubt, it probably is easier for a more mature and/or more experienced women to go through the exercises in Whatz In Your Womb and stay committed to keeping Craig and ‘nem and all other Funky Little Energy (FLEs) out of their womb.  But, it may be difficult for say college students or someone not yet looking for a serious relationship but has the urge to get their swerve on.

Well, no matter if you are a veteran, not looking for a serious relationship, or a newbie, your womb is a storage vessel for energy including the funky kind.   So you need to do something.   You are using a condom to protect yourself from whatever is floating around in Craig and ‘Nem’s body fluid and to prevent unwanted pregnancies so why wouldn’t you protect yourself from that Funky Little Energy?  However, as you know, even with condoms, “the best protection is abstinence”, the same stands true for the psychic condom but it is more than you had before. 

Here is how it works:

Before intercourse, imagine protective energy filling your vagina and uterus particularly your fallopian tubes and ovaries.  Develop an affirmation or prayer to say each time you do this.  Something like “let this energy shield me from any negative energy from him and shield him from any negative energy coming from me”.   Do it before you even start catching the vapors and definitely before you drop them panties!

Now let me say this loud and clear.  This is not a free pass to escape any and all Funky Little Energy(FLEs) or the consequences that come from letting Craig hit it.  It is just added protection.  It also prepares you to deal with Whatz In Your Womb later. 

If you don’t know what Funky Little Energy (FLE) is or who Craig and ‘Nem are, then you need to get the book.  Order online at   Otherwise, put your insights on the blog or holla at me via email
