Craig & 'Nem Strike Back!

Craig and ‘Nem Strike Back!

Yep. Craig and ‘Nem have stuck back at yo’ girl. In my book I highlighted a couple of brothas from the past who I deemed Craig and ‘Nem. I went on to tell how I stored their Funky Little Energy (FLE) in my womb and how that energy affected me. So yall know that these brothas were not portrayed in the best light. And even though I used aliases, they have found their way back to me and want to know what’s up with their depictions in the book!

I guess once the book came out and a sista started going around doing workshops and talking about storing folks funky little energy in wombs, I created some funky little energy of my own and directed Craig and ‘Nem right back to me! It’s all good though because now I have a better perspective of what the brothas I dwelt with were going through at the time. And, guess what? They apologized! So I’m like dang, I can’t talk about yall no more? That’s my favorite part of the workshop!

For real though, I feel good about it because in the book, I do provide some exercises to not only to release Craig and ‘Nem but also to forgive them. If I had not forgiven these two brothas, I don’t think we would have been able to have a peaceful, productive, and revealing conversation about what was really going on with us respectively during the relationship.

It gets better though. Both of them revealed something to me that took me for a loop. But one of them had a lasting impression. I really had him all wrong. I wanna tell yall about him now but you gotta check out the book and come to a workshop to find out!

Are you feeling this? Tell us about it. Drop something on us in the blog. To get the full story of my adventures with Craig and ‘nem click here to order the book Whatz in Your Womb? and visit us on the web at
